
What do you think of these baby girl names?

I am expecting a baby girl in May, and I am not sure what to name her. Which are your favorite?










I like either the middle name "Love" or "Grace" with any of them.

Mix and match.What do you think of these baby girl names?
My favorites are:

Noel Grace and Danika Grace

I like Chloe, Noel (but spelled Noelle - and more for a middle name), Joeanna (but spelled/pronounced Johanna), and Juliette!! I also really like Grace for a middle name! I love Johanna Grace!!What do you think of these baby girl names?
I like :

-Chloe Love

-Chelsea Love/grace both sounds good

-Gabrielle grace

Hope i Helped :)What do you think of these baby girl names?
I love the names Chloe(the name of my angel in Heaven), Juliette, Shayna and Noel. Chelsea and Mikayla are alright. I like Grace for a middle name more than Love though
Mikayla Grace!
My favorites are Danika, Chelsea, and Gabrielle.

Danika Grace %26lt;-----my fav

Chelsea Love

Gabrielle Love
I think Chloe, Gabrielle, and Juliette are really pretty! I love the middle name Grace for Chloe and Juliette, but I think Gabrielle Love would be better because I don't like the double "g."

Good Luck! :)
I like Chloe and Juliette. Both will go well with Grace
Chloe :] :]

Chelsea :]

Danika :[

Noel :[

Gabreille =/

Shayna =l

Joeanna :[

Juliet :]

Mikalya :[
I think Gabrielle Grace sounds very pretty. Danika Love is also pretty, and very different but in a good way.

I hope you have a healthy baby, and I hope she doesn't turn out like the kid I was ;) just kidding.
Juliette Grace, or Noel Grace.
i really like chloe and gabrielle.

awh, gabrielle love would be so pretty :]
I love Chelsea!

That is my name too!

I like my name a lot..and my middle name

is the same as my Grandmas.

I think Chelsea Grace is really pretty.

I like noel a lot too!

Top 3:



Noel and Chelsea where on my list, I like both of those. I also like Chloe and Juliette. Both of the middle names are also very cute, totally names that I would use but my fiance doesn't like them.
Chloe is a favorite of mine actually!

Chloe Elise

Chloe Grace

Love just is not a good choice it just looks and sounds phony,sorry!

Chelsea no i just do not like it.

Danika no it just is too trendy!

Noelle is the correct spelling for a girl Noel or Nolan are for boys only!

Gabrielle Grace is cute too.

Shayna no too trailer park.

Joanna is the correct spelling

Joanna Grace

Joanna Louise

Juliette no i prefer Julie.

Julie Marie

Mikayla is a over rated,dull,too trendy name i hate! Sorry i know a 11 year old that misspells her wretched name as mykayla,yuck!

I wouldn't name a dog mikayla or any other spelling of this ghettolicious name.

Just my opinion,keep it real,spelling counts,good luck!
I love Juliette Grace or Chelsea Grace
Chloe - lol i only like it because its my neices name .

Chelsea - i thinks its pretty i like this with grace.

Danika - nooooo

Noel - ehh not my favorite

Gabrielle - dont like it at all

Shayna - i like shay not not shayna

Joeanna - not at all

Juliette - classic beautiful name. i like this with grace

Mikayla - idk i cant decide if i like it

and of course just remember that when your little one is born the second you see her face you'll know.
I like the names Chloe, Chelsea, Gabrielle, Juliette, Mikayla and Shayna.
I would suggest the name Mikayla Love, or what about Lyric Grace?

Juliette Love, Danika Grace, or what about Maddigan Grace/Love. Shayna Faith. Hope this helps!

