
What do you think of these baby girl names?

Looks like i am having yet another baby girl so here are the names i like-



Alyriah (ah- leer- ah)

Do you have any other names you can suggest?What do you think of these baby girl names?
I like the third one. I like camila :) (ka mee la) or jade :)
i think they are very different names....i like the names Blaire, or Nevah (heaven backwards), if your going for something different....i dont like willowWhat do you think of these baby girl names?
i like alyriah. kinda reminds me of one the names i like (illyria, like from the shakespeare play 12th night). i'm not crazy about willow... too... tree-ish lol. evie is cute.What do you think of these baby girl names?
Alyriah is pretty!!! try babynames.com
Alyriah is beautiful but I would suggest spelling it Illyria (i-L-L-y-r-i-a) because then it becomes a Shakespeare-inspired name instead of a made-up one... I don't know if you made it up yourself it just struck me that way. However, that is of course the opinion of a traditionalist - I know some people are naming their kids rather new age, inventive things these days but my three boys are named Simon, David and Patrick.
Evie is so pretty. Evie Willow goes together too!! Congrats!
Sabella is also a good name.

